about us

A Fresh Approach To The Industry

Owned and operated by design lead Angie Aspeck, we aim to bring functionality back into our clients lives by addressing issues within the home that could be further deteriorating their physical and mental health. A fresh personal approach to the industry is just what our clients need to brighten their day to day lives. We are here to help.

We are an Ottawa based company that creates accessible designs with our clients mental and physical health in mind. Many people suffer from injuries and conditions that cause limitations to their daily life. These may make it difficult to move through their home safely, cause anxiety, and trigger condition related symptoms.

A home should be somewhere you want to be. The use of barrier free spacious layouts, home modifications, softer finishes, and updated ergonomic furniture can create a more calming environment to promote healing.

Struggling to leave the home can also take a toll on ones mental well being, especially if their living space is no longer functional. These limitations can cause feelings of isolation, higher risk of further injury, as well as a main focus to be on their pain/condition, rather than improvement. We aim to reduce stress and risk of further injury by introducing changes that will make our clients lives as easy and enjoyable as possible.